Giovanni Bellini

Giovanni Bellini

An Introduction

pp. 280, 1° ed.
The art of Giovanni Bellini has been a passion for half a century…” Peter Humfrey accompanies us through the work of Italian Renaissance artist Giovanni Bellini, considered the most important practitioner of Venetian painting in the latter half of the fifteenth century. Born into a family of painters, Bellini began studying art at a young age, painting primarily in the then dominant Gothic style of the early Renaissance. As time passed and he evolved as an artist, Bellini’s wide-reaching influence came to inform the maniera moderna, or modern manner, inherited by Giorgione and Titian. His unparalleled ability to both harness the expressive power of light and recreate the poetry of natural landscapes became the foundational tenets of the Venetian school of painting for centuries to come. This volume provides an accessible guide to Bellini’s work and the lasting influence of his career on Western European painting. Organized chronologically, the book maps the development of Bellini’s own craft alongside the greater technical experimentation of the Quattrocento, detailing the artist’s rejection of traditional egg tempera technique for oil on canvas and taking into account the influence of contemporaries Andrea Mantegna and Antonello da Messina. Concise and up to date, this book effectively conveys the scale of Bellini’s contributions to Western European painting in the wider context of the era. 


 è Professore emerito di Storia dell’arte all’università di St Andrews in Scozia, dove ha insegnato dal 1977 al 2012. È autore di numerose pubblicazioni sull’arte italiana del Rinascimento, tra cui monografie sui pittori Cima da Conegliano (1983), Lorenzo Lotto (1997) e Tiziano (2007). È anche autore dell’approfondita ricerca The Altarpiece in Renaissance Venice (1993) e co-autore del catalogo ragionato delle opere di Giovanni Bellini (2020) e di Bonifacio de’ Pitati (di prossima pubblicazione). È stato membro del comitato consultivo di numerose mostre internazionali alla National Gallery of Art, Washington, al Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York e al J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles.